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The Swede Went Over to the USA The Swede Went Over to the USA Over 18

Once again Smokey has decided to shock the tagging community by creating an interesting song parody.  Without further ado....

The Swede went over to Maryland, he was looking for a title to steal

He was in a bind 'cause the challenge was up and he had a title to win

When he came across this young player practicing his quick trigger and laying some beam

And the Swede jumped up on the arena bench and said, "Boy let me tell ya what.

"I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a tourney player, too

"And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.

"Now you play pretty good tag ol boy, but give the AR Deity his due, I'll bet a gun of gold against your title  'cause I think I'm better than you."

The tagger said, "My names Jimmi, and it might be a sin,

"But I'll take your bet - your gonna regret 'cause I'm the best that's ever been!"

Jimmi strap on your pack  an' play the best you’ve ever played

'Cause hell's broke loose in Gambrills an' the Swede thinks he’s gonna win.

And if you win you'll get this shiny laser gun  made of gold, but if you lose the Swede gets to be the best!

The Swede clipped on his pack, and  said "I'll start this show,"

And fire flew from his finger tips as he railed on his trigger.

And he unclipped the gun from the pack and plugged his button in,

Then a band of cavedwellers joined in and it sounded something like this:


When the Swede finished Jimmi said, "Well, you're pretty good ol' son,

"But set right in on that bench right there and let me show you how it's done!"


Laser strikes the arena, Run Boys Run! Swedes in the House of the Taggin one, The Slacker in the snack  bar eating all the Dough, Smokey Does Brooks bite, No Child, No!

The Swede bowed his head, 'cause he knew that he'd been beat,

And he laid that golden laser gun on the ground at Jimmi’s feet.

Jimmi said, "Swede just come on back if you ever want to try again,

"I done told you once you son of a gun I'm the best there's ever been!

And he played Laser strikes the arena, Run Boys Run! Swedes in the House of the taggin one, The Slacker in the snack  bar eating all the Dough, Smokey Does Brooks bite, No Child, No!