About Tagger
Fun Stuff
The ACC Rules The ACC Rules Official Allied Tagger Association Rules and Regulations For East Coast Laser Tag Actual Reality/Laser Extreme

I.  No Physical Contact

  1a.  Breaking this rule will lead to Captains and co-Captains vote on whether or 

  not parties should be disqualified.  

  1b.  Breaking this rule could result in a “no-vote” if both parties involved agree 

  that they were wrong and resolve the dispute civilly.

  1c.  Incidental contact is not included, although warnings may be issued.


    1ci.  Contact that is arguable on whether incidental or not is up to parties 

    involved or neutral observer who witnessed.  If cannot be resolved this way 

    then a Captains and co-Captain’s vote.

II Running is permitted

  2a.  Running will not be permitted if it puts either another player or the 

  equipment in harms way. The individual neutral observers of each game determine 


     2ai.  Breaking this rule results in one warning per game for each player.  

     After this warning, if the player runs again and neutral observer deems 

     necessary, player’s laser is unplugged and he stands with observer the rest of

     the game.  At games end he plugs laser back in and downloads. 

III No direct covering of sensors

  3a.  No direct covering means that your hands themselves cannot cover ANY sensors.

  3b.  Contorting your body to cover shoulder, back, and front sensors is perfectly 

  legal so long as both hands are on the gun.

  3c.  Covering of gun sensors is never permitted!  Whether by direct contact or 

  not covering of the guns sensors is not permitted by 

  1) touching directly with hands 

  2) rolling your arms or body in a way to keep sensors from being taggable 

  3) putting gun sensors against any part of your body.

  3d.  A neutral observer determines breaking sensor-covering rules.  Observer can 

  either warn or  remove the player from the game.  Observer then goes to the 

  Captains and tells them what he saw.   Captains then vote on whether to remove 

  player from further games, from next game, or just warn him.

IV Replaying of Games

  4a.  A game replay will be voted on by all Captains and co-Captains (those whom 

  wish not to vote may abstain) not involved in the request.  Vote will take place 

  ONLY if one of the two teams involved Captains’ requests the vote.  All votes 

  will be made public.  In order to receive replay, 50% of the Voters must vote 

  for replay.   

     4ai.  Vote needs a few things done by the two teams involved in the game.  

     The “losing” teams captain gets to make their case first to the voters for two 

     minutes.  Then the other team involved has their Captain make their case for 

     two minutes.  These are to be UNINTERRUPTED.  After cases are made they leave 

     the room and the Voters then have three minutes to vote on whether or not to 


        4aii.  In a vote where a “pack demonstration” is needed then the Voters will 

	do the  demonstration with ONLY the voters and the two Captains involved 

	present, then the vote proceeds with 4ai.

	   4aiii.  If both Captains agree to a replay then a replay is rewarded.

  4b.  All replayed games will be only 6 Minutes long for the sake of getting it

  over with.

     4bi.  If the game is in the semi-finals or finals and time permits then the 

     replay will be a full twelve minutes.

V.  Tie-Breakers


  5a.  First tiebreaker is ALWAYS head-to-head

     5ai.  If three teams or more are tied and all have not played each other you 

     still go to the record they have among each other as the tiebreaker.

  5b.  Second tiebreaker is Schedule Strength in the tournament, determined by the

  record of your opponents.

  5c.  Third tiebreaker is the point differential in the tournament.

  5d.  Should there be any disputes then there is a captain’s vote on the issue.